Connecting you to the joy of Human Companionship and Friendly Conversation

At Friendly Phone Calls, we offer caring connections through regular, friendly phone conversations and personalized handwritten cards from our Call Pals.

Our Benefits

What We Offer

Our services were inspired by family and friends in need of extra human connection and attention.

We offer regularly scheduled phone calls and cards by Call Pals who work to be consistent companions and the call our friends look forward to each week. We strive to keep the same Call Pals connected to their friends so they can build a relationship and be a comforting companion.

We help to solve the issues of loneliness, isolation, depression, and a lack of companionship.

Engaging Conversations

We are dedicated to providing positive and enjoyable conversations each week.

Memory Sharing

We are a listening ear for people to share their stories and memories with us.

Personalized Reading

Whether you need help with reading or prefer to listen to others read, we are here!

Mental stimulation

We can do crossword puzzles together, read riddles, or play brain games by phone.

  • Are you caring for a loved one and need some extra support?
  • Are you lonely but don't want to bother your family and friends?
  • Do you need a positive and friendly person to talk to each week?
  • Do you need a good listening ear with no judgement?
  • Do you live far from a person you care for and want to provide a friendly check in?

We Can Help!

Schedule your service today by calling us.



Our Friends
I'm in my late 70s and have been feeling increasingly isolated and lonely. My family lives far away and my friends are no longer around, so I spend most of my days alone. But then I found Friendly phone calls, and it's been a game-changer for me.
Old man happy now.

Philip B.

Retired professional
I'm so glad I found Friendly phone calls. Their team is so funny and personable, and they always manage to brighten my day. Highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good laugh! Our conversations always leave me feeling uplifted and connected.
Women pic happy

Emily K.

I'm so busy with work and with my family that I really don't have time to check in with my mom as much as I would like. I worry about her and I know she needs more interaction. I'm thankful I found this service because we couldn't do it on our own. It's a very reasonable price and it's really helping my mom. Thank you!

Ben L.

Safe and secure
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Service options

Plans & Pricing

Give us a try and enjoy a Special Introductory rate of

$19.99 per call.

For 3 Calls!

Call plan updated
Card plans updated
Service Plan

Give a Gift

old man

Sponsor or Gift Calls For A Person In Need!

Your contribution can bring immeasurable joy and comfort to an individual longing for connection. Join us in spreading kindness and combatting loneliness by sponsoring a call today. Together, we can make a meaningful difference, one conversation at a time.

Disclaimer: sponsorship or gifts may not be tax deductible. Please consult a tax professional.